Talk about love, the first thing that comes to some of our mind is running around trees singing duets. has been always suppressed within a miniscule range; boy meets girl and they call it love, girl smiles at boy and they again call it love. Stupid isn't it! I'm lucky, my thinking in not like that. But is that all about love?
I noticed many families avoid the word love from being mentioned in the household. I seldom see a brother saying I Love You to a sister. I also rarely see a dad saying he missed mom while he was away at work. Good night kisses sadly don’t exist in our families. Everyone expects everyone to understand love. You’re a family so love must be hiding somewhere beneath all the daily chores and chaotic life. Not only charity but love too starts at home.
I strongly believe love is an action rather than merely abstract feeling. When you love someone you have to show it out. What is the point of locking everything in a big Pandora box and expecting others to understand themselves? Any simple things may mean a huge load bigger to others when you do it wholeheartedly.
For instance putting your love and care into words. Write small notes for those who care for you. Good morning mom, thanks for the breakfast - and paste it on the fridge. She’ll be thrilled to make lunch. Dad, please drive safely back home - and text it to him. He’ll be waiting to get back home for tea. Sis, I have tones of stories to tell you - and mail it to Sister who’s studying far away. She’ll know that she’s not left out. All this tiny miny things actually accompany our loved ones throughout the day. These smiles that you provide them are the priceless gifts.
Love, I’d say is like our daily supplements. They’re supposed to be taken - and given in small dosages everyday in order to have a healthy life. They’re not medicines to be taken only when there is a disorder.
Love is such a powerful feeling that it can either produce or destroy. It depends on the way we channel it. When one allows love to evolve into obsession that is when things turn haywire. There are so many relationships I’ve known have gone to the drains because of either party’s obsession towards another. Sad to say, they haven’t understood the real meaning of love at all. Giving and taking, accepting each other’s flaws, stop feeding oneself with ego and finally giving enough space to each other may be the ingredients for a long-term healthy relationship.
Alright, love starts at home. What next? It should be cultivated with our surroundings. Look around, what is lacking? Love amongst us. I’m not talking about wars and deaths. Let’s just scale it down to people whom we meet in every day basis. Try flashing some cheerful smiles to the sanitary workers you see on your way to college. Say good morning to the old man who’s making his daily walks. Offer your seat to a pregnant lady in the bus. Help an old lady to cross the road. Feed some biscuits to the stray dogs. Celebrate your birthday in the orphanage. Hug at least one friend a day. Sit and listen to someone’s problem without being judgemental. Trust me; it will come back to you. Soon enough.
What is it by just loving others but neglecting yourself? Yes, you need to remind yourself that you do love you. Don’t just wait for others to do so. Put it into your actions. Do not do anything that destroys you. Physically and mentally. Quit smoking, if you do. Reduce alcohol, opt for other outings. Play safe - or don’t play at all. Go for long walks. Give yourself vacations every now and then. Pamper yourself with one of your pet peeves - occasionally. Remember, diamonds isn’t woman’s best friend, water is. Take good care of your appearance. Build up your confidence and don’t let a jerk boss to ruin it for you. Don’t play doormat for anyone - no guys worth that. Love yourself before you want others to.
Love everyone indifferently without seeing colors. It’s a very energizing feel that it would make you feel happier to face the world. From now on before going to bed, hug your parents and wish them night. Also no more hesitation to hug your siblings of opposite sex - under any circumstances. Let’s widen our cocoon of L.O.V.E. J
Readers may object my views. It’s a free country remember. These are my views on love and how it affects my daily life. And I’m not in any deep trouble by practicing my view - yet.
DISCLAIMER : This article have been edited. The original article is taken from & was written by Rathi Maithil & posted on August 7, 2009
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